May 30, 2013

Types of Pianos

Daniel Alexander Apátiga

A poem with repetition and in list form

Types of Pianos

Steinways cost so much I can’t afford one.
They sound so perfect I have to play on one.
They sing the music as we’re supposed to hear it.
I can’t imagine any pianist who doesn’t want one.
Electric—if they can incorporate electronics into one,
An electric grand piano would be a new invention.
How come there aren’t any electronic Steinways?
Uprights—they cost less and you can afford one.
But still I can’t.
My pockets are deepening without money though with lots of debt.

Uprights sound worse than baby grands,
Which to you they sound melodic and they sit there desirably,
Waiting for you to play on it.
They range in size from small to medium.
Grands—they’re the large baby grands.
Grand pianos cost more and can be up to nine feet.
But I have to wait ‘til I’m rich.
My pockets are deepening without money though with lots of debt.

Yamahas are good but as good as the Steinways?
Organs were the precursors and were the first keyboard instrument.
But Organs are too big to have in the house.
Boston pianos—they’re made from the same dudes who make the Steinway,
Only they’re made in an assembly line and are cheap.
Of course, I can’t afford one, ever.
My pockets are deepening without money though with lots of debt.

Boston pianos also don’t sound as good.
Some grands have more than the normal amount of keys or less.
Some have more than one register I bet.
Some may even be polka dotted with pink, white, and blue.
Some ancient pianos have unique patterns painted unto their frames.
Your piano is the best I’ve heard and I want to know how much you sell it for.

My pockets are deepening without money though with lots of debt.