Mar 25, 2011


Upon arrival at the airport in order for you to capture,
There’s a pretty girl you see who you won’t see again,
You exit from the terminal where you’re finally supposed to be,
The journey that you profited from was from there to here.

A warm breeze brushes against your face,
All the taxi drivers want to have your money,
But you don’t know what to say and have to get going,
The sunlight is partially obscured by the sparse clouds.

While in the white taxi van going to the resort, Cancun,
You think, the windows are up unnecessarily,            
The temperature is right, because you want to feel the wind again,
But there is no way to roll them down.

And there are foreigners with you who don’t know English.
The driver unpacks your luggage at the hotel entrance,
And the doorman is there to greet you and has your name on a list,
You finally arrive and have some catch up to do.

You walk through the lobby towards the opposite end.
The ocean is blue, but nearer the dune-less sand it’s turquoise,
And you aren’t surprised because of what’s been said.
The mere beauty of it is captivating your attention.

The sound of waves beating against the shore to turns your mind to peace…
You create a mental list of things to do but there is not enough time
The lack of sleep from waking early in the morning is getting to one,
The most important thing is to be out in the beach.

You notice the warmth while the night stays the same as during the day,
Your priorities are now with the night clubs in downtown Cancun and dinner—
An hour earlier than what your watch says,
You hop on a bus to go to a restaurant…

Despite the cuisine being offered to you, you are consistent,
Because, you know the amount that is eaten is not dependent on location.
Your mind turns toward facing a fear but it escapes—
Like an alarm, your mental note to go to a nightclub causes you not to go.

After a night in the morning you arrive from a boat to “Women’s Island,”
You stay a short time as you forgot to bring any money.
After a day passes and you have returned, you do things cheaply,
You rent a golf cart and drive towards the Mayan ruins.

At the southern-most tip, there’s no way to cross over—
So you quickly take a picture and leave.
You spend three hours at the most beautiful beach on the island,
The clear water shows the sand on the bottom’s white and fine.

You draw a connection that nut shells look a lot like sea shells.
Somehow you feel you aren’t experiencing as much as you should be,
So you follow through with a goal to walk towards a boat,
The water is cool at first when you sink in letting every part of your body become wet.

There's a person sitting on top the stern waves to greet,
You say, "hola,"standing and begin to return to your spot.
As though you just got there, you quickly leave.
Your flight leaves at 2:53 pm and you get there on time.

This will not be the last time you are over at Cancun…