Mar 10, 2011

"Chinese Food"

Tastes so good it will make one get addicted to it;
And want to get fatter because of the uniqueness in it's qualities,
And although it is sometimes fried, aren't we guilty of the same?
No one here has had authentic Chinese, dear Americans, even though it's different,
Because you know, there are some foods I prefer over others;
And Chinese ranks in the upper four from where my list of favorites, include:
Persian as number one, then Italian, Arabian, and Chinese.
American is so dull, it makes me want to forget about eating.

El gusto esta asi buen que uno le hago adicto a le.
Y quiere venir mas gordo por que del singularidad que son en modalidades,
Y aunque es a veces freia, son nos no culpable de igual?
Nadie en Ustados Unidos ha tenido China autentico acki, amor Americanos, empareja aunque que es diferente,
Por que sabes, hay algunes comidas que yo prefiero mas encima de otros;
Y China clasifica entre en el cuatro parte superior donde mi lista de la favoritas, incluir:
Persian es numero uno, proxima Italiano, Arabana, y China.
Americano es mucho desafilar, tomarme que quiero desenteder comiendo.