Feb 17, 2013

A poet

A poet, without a girlfriend, liked to read,
He wore his expensive and preppy clothing like a knight,
And he let me know this Swiss character who was priveleged, 
Of such talent and promising character, I saw.

He had many pretty ladies who liked to post on his Wall.
As a well-known gamer, his voice was the main attraction,
For, it was mesmerizing to all of us on Vent to listen to his accent and his voice,
And I, his best friend, would always be his rival though he was better than me.
Even when we were on the same team I’d always try to play better than him,
But I’d always lose in terms of skill, damage, charisma, and beauty.  
So one day I quit video gaming and I added him as a friend on Facebook.

And while I was writing poems to just one lady,
No one cared to read them,
But like all fancies, he paid for a hooker one evening. 

This man, was not a misleading character--he was well-meaning,
And it was to our fantasy that we, like all singles, would eventually get laid.
Then Valentines day came and went and he deactivated his Account,
I wrote a short poem years after I last posted on his wall,
That he slept with my crush and friendship never lasts.