May 23, 2012

How I compose a piece of music

How I compose a piece of music: 1) listen to what you hear inside your head, 2) anything else isn't music, 3) find inspiration, 4) don't listen to what others say about you if it's negative, 5) find some kind of method to shield yourself from your own music if you find that you can't get that tune out of your head, 6) never lose faith in yourself, 7) listen or read what the great composers before you have done/said/experienced, 8) you are your own person/entity/unique individual, everything you write will reflect that, 9) once you've found your inspiration, the longevity of the piece will last as long as you listen to it, 11) don't give one ounce of care to whether anyone dislikes/likes/or doesn't care about your composition.