Aug 25, 2004

Oh Hot Woman! ~ a poem written in high school.

Oh hot woman! that creature so perfect
Fell deep in love, and gazed upon this man
‘Bout whom she fantasized, always coupl’d
Ne’er alone nor depressed, but happy
With this dream, and truly obsess’d.
She had Him upon her arms, ne’er concealed
Nor ashamed of love, so oblivious
To His desire, lest He r’veal the truth
And utter neglect, forever bewitched.
He ached for her, wise of their deep bond,
And ne’er discouraged by the failure of Time
When true love succumbs, b’fore grave’s epic end
And curs’d frailty, does death not prevail!
But nay! a fantasy at best, all gone
Whilst ‘tis day, when His gaze speak to her not
Nor hands clasp ‘round waist, d’spite passion restrained
In eyes repeatedly bewilder’d, void
Of thought for Her: a seclud’d oasis
For love’s demise—an illusion alas!
Oh Emptiness enshroud’d, He hates her
Surely unaware and blissful, in want of
Other Maidens anxious, c’rrupt desire
And eyes inviting betwixt, is satisfied
Without her, forgive his failure!

Lost upon the shore, thrust on to the earth
Fallen amongst the damned, forever shunned
With the forgotten, finally begott’n
And remembered ne’er alive, but deceased.
Her body obscene, transfixed in peace
To be laden with dust, buried in d’feat
No longer loved, but e’er alone instead.
Her face so serene, pure angelic heart
Inflict’d with Love b’griefed, abandoned
Hope and desire beguiled, does she not know?

Oh hot woman! ‘bout whom I fantasized,
You will never know, for you are now gone
Ne’er to be cherished, acquired by hell
Blind’d by the depths of despair, toward hate
And emptiness depart’d, hair dulled plain
Whilst lustful body decayed, eternally lost
To me her name and vivid memory;
Oh Forgotten! ‘bout whom I spoke and loved,
Angel out of reach fled, come back to me
Before I join you, lest shape wane e’ermore
Against Time’s ‘lluring crypt, should my legs
Fail b’neath, deceitful falsity triumph'nt!