Aug 25, 2003

"A Night Drive" ~ a poem written in high school

Dream 1 (A Night Drive)

Amidst the shadowy canopy, which
Is not natural, a starry dimlit
Melancholy, reminiscent of life’s
Shortcomings, bland of thought pervaded,
Though thick in ecstasy
Is bequeathed in emptiness so,
Lest the Cars instilled by above’s Chaos
Shame and torment it away;

I hold on to the swirling mass,
Which is the Milky Way—
my eyes!—
A man whose purple, pink haze grins
For the end that is nigh, laughing,
Uncaring to the remnants of his life,
Which by his Drive to quick pleasure
condemned, becomes slit and silenced,
Transfixed, like the dawn
Was to Apollo—only a dawn for darkness.

Falling deep the Stars grew, and they twinkled
into the haze, fizzing, exploding out
Sharpening, stabbing,
Was brighter with blackness than
The surrounding plain before—
my heart!—
Beware! Empty of focus
For the sudden revelation, which waxed
Onto the night by the
Steady beat that ceased, a death
That was yet alive.

Amidst the bright canopy, whose rays
Shown through the leaves, a magical well-lit
Floor, adorned in life’s ending
Gift, chalk in a passionate cry ill
Lest the burden lift
Doomed he is.

Dust and ail interming’—
Sitting with his head faced up, watching
The strings, which are our souls, on the rim, plucked. 
Remembering the now dust fragments
That is the earth, surely, whilst he remains above,
Becoming death.