Aug 25, 2004

A sonnet, "deathTouch"

I had a dream; all that was beautiful—
All except the featureless plain—ruined,
The sun waned and light forever faltered.
Below the fallen heavens and cryptic moon
A rose bloomed in its infinite glory,
I pluck that which is perfect in every way,
Bringing forth love before it wilted away,
And with it all that was alive and green.
Familiar lands became featureless plains,
Stars once bright paled—all that was once true ceased.
Than I 'woke; all that was earthly departed,
The sun had extinguished and sky emptied—
'Till in all certainty forlorn by the void
All that remained was lust forevermore.

Flower ~ a poem written in high school


Dear flower,
What is the purpose of Life
If it were not for the emptiness of death
That could answer?

Why do I seek to be satisfied
If it were not for the fear of hell—
That we may never experience such pleasures
Of love and bliss?

But nay! Tell me:
What of the fiery and death
That thou bask and glorify in—
The Sun—a sphere of fire?

How can one seek pain and call himself 'live,
As to care for family and Wife,
And yet be utterly numb inside?
Rising toward agony!

Do thou not flinch at the site of filth
Nor turn away at the stench of flesh,
Unless wind blow thee 'round?

Do thou not cry as thy children are consum'd
Nor ponder the feeling of loss,
Unless Nature's rain chance?

Is it so paradoxical to be 'live and dead
That it is pleasurable to love and kill,
And live contently with a heart torn?

Then beauty should cease,
As we do not possess any compassion
To live nobly,
As we bask in suffering.

I asked, what is the purpose for being alive
If it were not for the emptiness of death?
Thou hath failed to answer
A testament of being dead. 

Isle of the Dead ~ a poem written in high school

I tried to combine Isle of the Dead with inspiration from a gaming clan called, "deathTouch."  Please tell me
what you think I can work on, and do parts not make sense?

I had a dream; all that was beautiful--
All except the lustrous Garden--ruined,
The sun waned and light forever faltered
As the stars paled into oblivion,
The crumbling Moon fell up on the sky
As all that was 'live and green went ablaze,
Glorious cities once festooned in gold
Fell beneath the abyss which circled Earth
Becoming a Rock barren of verdure,
The laws of the Universe failed-truth ceased!
Under the cryptic Moon and starless sky
Shield'd by the raging Sea on an Isle             
A Rose bloom'd in its innocent glory.

Rowing calmly through the murky water
Under the darkening night always so,
Approaching closer to the misty shore
As the distant sirens reveal their woe,
Cursed souls screaming above in dismay
Forewarn us of the awaiting horrors
But we row on in total ignorance--
On towards salvation: the Golden Gate.

Lo! Not far ahead there is a light--                
A Garden whose joy blazes in fervor
And luscious green could fill the void whole.
Upon arrival a rose bush lay limp
Ecstatically alive glowing blue.
I pluck one which is pure in ev'ry way                      
Bringing my love before it wilts away,          
Then a soaring soul cries out in warning:
"There's no such verity as unfalse hope,                    
Learn from your mistakes and you shall be spared, 
If not, here you shall eternally dwell!"
But in misunderstanding we remained
And rowed toward the upturn'd depths of hell.
We jest in play never seeming to know:

There's a place one cannot go and return
And we are at this place forever so.
Cursed souls crying far up above                   
Sing in sorrow for our horrific fate,
So when the rose buds curled up and fell
Whose shine was truly fire and not beauty
And thorns pierced our flesh 'till blood poured out
We rowed on slowly with our newfound hate
On past the screams through the closing Gate,                      
And lift'd up now in full understanding                    
Dead up above soaring forevermore!

Then I 'woke; all that was earthly depart'd,
Familiar lands became featureless plains,
The Garden had blackened to heaps of ash
Except the rose whose memory still burnt;
The Sun had extinguished and sky emptied
Except the Moon whose fiery fell as rain
That engulfed mankind in its warm bosom;
The ruined cities fell beneath the cracks
Deep into the cataclysms of hell
'Till the Isle itself sunk into the Sea
Draining whole into a massive whirlpool.

When nothing remained,
God the Savior conjured a rose bush;
But as the heavens ruptured He lost hope
And abandoned His Kingdom to chaos.

Oh Hot Woman! ~ a poem written in high school.

Oh hot woman! that creature so perfect
Fell deep in love, and gazed upon this man
‘Bout whom she fantasized, always coupl’d
Ne’er alone nor depressed, but happy
With this dream, and truly obsess’d.
She had Him upon her arms, ne’er concealed
Nor ashamed of love, so oblivious
To His desire, lest He r’veal the truth
And utter neglect, forever bewitched.
He ached for her, wise of their deep bond,
And ne’er discouraged by the failure of Time
When true love succumbs, b’fore grave’s epic end
And curs’d frailty, does death not prevail!
But nay! a fantasy at best, all gone
Whilst ‘tis day, when His gaze speak to her not
Nor hands clasp ‘round waist, d’spite passion restrained
In eyes repeatedly bewilder’d, void
Of thought for Her: a seclud’d oasis
For love’s demise—an illusion alas!
Oh Emptiness enshroud’d, He hates her
Surely unaware and blissful, in want of
Other Maidens anxious, c’rrupt desire
And eyes inviting betwixt, is satisfied
Without her, forgive his failure!

Lost upon the shore, thrust on to the earth
Fallen amongst the damned, forever shunned
With the forgotten, finally begott’n
And remembered ne’er alive, but deceased.
Her body obscene, transfixed in peace
To be laden with dust, buried in d’feat
No longer loved, but e’er alone instead.
Her face so serene, pure angelic heart
Inflict’d with Love b’griefed, abandoned
Hope and desire beguiled, does she not know?

Oh hot woman! ‘bout whom I fantasized,
You will never know, for you are now gone
Ne’er to be cherished, acquired by hell
Blind’d by the depths of despair, toward hate
And emptiness depart’d, hair dulled plain
Whilst lustful body decayed, eternally lost
To me her name and vivid memory;
Oh Forgotten! ‘bout whom I spoke and loved,
Angel out of reach fled, come back to me
Before I join you, lest shape wane e’ermore
Against Time’s ‘lluring crypt, should my legs
Fail b’neath, deceitful falsity triumph'nt!