Mar 17, 2013

Revised poetry, “The Ruler of Pluto”

A ruler of the dwarf planet Pluto jumps and lands again.
He wins the dark side of the moon battle ten times over.
His Pluto feels so cold, so distant, and so planet-like,
A probe can reach Pluto in ten years to pick him up.
On average, radio signals take five and a half hours to receive.
We think that if the ruler of Pluto exposes himself to the sunlight,
He would be unaffected like the cold color of its sea.
That's why we don't miss him, when we belong on the unique Earth,
And this hurts the ruler deeply.
The green atmosphere, thin, and visible, holds heat like a sheet.
Pluto’s coldness eludes him, because we earthlings infer and assume incorrectly.
The ruler's rock of rocks, ice, and his loneliest of all his possessions, made us yearn for his return.
He and his reflecting moon, Charon, shortened the distance between himself and it.
So Charon, we think, orbits Pluto by a weak gravitational pull—
A stray from the Ort cloud!  But he told us, once, about the Hallucination.
Two other moons that orbit Pluto have less of a mass than Charon.
But as native inhabitants of Earth, 
We never theorized how cold Pluto feels on its dark side, which heats up by the weak radiation.
And Pluto’s moon, Charon, never became known where it came from despite having multiple theories and facts.
Then, one, long, Pluto day, the Sun's rays warmed Pluto again:
The horizon began to disappear and the light side faced the backdrop of stars, nebulae, space,
The ruler of Pluto jumped and didn't land anywhere.

by Daniel Alexander Apatiga