Nov 24, 2012

An Epitaph for A Love Affair

How does one fix a musician's mind?
You send him to the hospital
To make him think someone never loved him,
And then you shove pills down his throat.
And during all this time,
You restrict his freedom,
Remove his sense of insanity.
Except all a psychiatrist hears are barriers to be broken,
Problems to be solved, people to move through the assembly line.
I see her picture in my mind,
This woman who I thank constantly for having met,
I take pills in order to forget
That she ever loved me and that she was trying to help me.
Though I never let her into my space.
You have to learn how to channel the music through your head
And onto the screen.
When it wins her heart she will be here waiting.
All this time she's been waiting for me,
Though she's not a waitress anymore...
When I listen to your music
I reminisce of what my friends and I used to do.
We weren't ex-friends and some have long since passed away.
When I read what she writes I'm on a rush of adrenaline,
And I want to remain forever in this psychotic state.
But enough of this dangerous pastime!
In the distance there's a female's voice who you're in love with,
Attraction is so powerful that few personalities like hers compare.

Nov 15, 2012

"The Demander." - a poem

I'm calling because my father told me to
There is a charge on his credit card
Can you refund the money?
I'm sorry we don't have the credit card on file
I no longer have the credit card
It's been destroyed...
I did not authorize payment
So don't charge me without my consent,
Because I don't have have any money...
But you agreed to the policy
The reason we charged you was because it made things easier.
It's so that you don't have to enter the information twice
If you want
I can cancel your membership
And you'll be refunded...
Please delete my profile
I don't have the credit card information
I destroyed the card because an unauthorized charge was made to the account
I only have the last four digits.
I don't like your attitude
And your fiscal policies
Do not withdraw from my bank account
It is not yours.
I didn't mean to say that
I know you are just trying to help me
You can have access to my bank account
I will miss you when I move away.