Jan 29, 2012


How are you coping?
What is bothering you?
What is the biggest regret you ever had?
What is the biggest happy moment you ever had?
How many boyfriends have you had?
Are you a lesbian?
Do you speak your nation's language?
Are you bi-lingual?
Do you love to read books?
Do you like my poetry?

there is something uncannily hidden from view,
None of us can make it out.
it is warmer than average in the middle of winter.
There's a glass mostly empty and a mug full of tea.
I'm too lazy to reach over and grab it.
It's just the right temperature, too.

What are your interests?
Tell me who you are in a single sentence.
Do you like big crowds?
Do you like to sing?
Where do you exercise?
What keeps you going
And interested in school?
Do you like the fact
That I love your nation's music?
Your name sounds so... Russian.
Do you think I should stick to ABAB format?

You don't think you're unknown to yourself do you?
I can't make it out whether you hate me or love me.
I'm on a computer that has a big screen.
There's a coke bottle it's half full and my wallet's on the table.
I thought somebody might steal my money
but I left and returned it was still there.