Sep 17, 2012

"El Piano" ~~ Una poema en Español

Soy perdido sin el piano,
Pero soy serio por del piano,
Quiero ser como feliz tan el piano,
Se extraño viendo la cara del piano,
Si puedo besar tus labios que debo tocarlo sobre el piano,
Oyo una pieza que estoy tocando sobre el piano,
No lo fue perfecto pero lo fue música del piano.
Quiero aprender cómo tocarlo mejor por el piano,
Cuándo muero, el cual quiero mis composiciónes estar oidos porque del piano,
A veces estoy componiendo en mi cerebro por del piano,
No lo he olvidado usualmente, pero mi vida es por del piano,
¡No hagas salir con él sin que primero escuchando al piano!
La musica de tu voz es no como importante tan el voz del piano,
¿Por qué estás ir a?  ¿Porque del piano?
Estoy día de soñar de tí sentando sobre el piano,
Estás pensando por de mí y estoy componiendo no por del piano.
Salimos éste lugar y vamos a mi cuarto así puedes oirlo háblame.
¡Acaba de recordar la música y olvida donde estés que ames el piano!

Sep 9, 2012

"Father's home."

Sitting on a piano bench feeling the keys at my father's home,
I play some romantic pieces for my ears only,
I begin to improvise some tune on a distant memory,
A distant memory that none have seemed as dismal.
Something about the air is right, the light just the right dim,
The bass plays in the left hand, and the violins in the right,
But they are the sound of voices, and if you heard them before,
They might ring a bell.
Somethings are slightly amiss, while others happen just right.
I can hear the steady footsteps of father,
I continue to play uninterrupted and luckily--
Last night I dreamed of an alien fetus--gosh I hate nightmares!
And I woke up and my eyes moved as if by an invisible force
From the paintings on the wall and I noticed a shadowy alien,
That wasn't an alien, but it looked as if it was painted onto the painting.
Then I slowly realized, God's image is in all works of art.
I hesitated to go back to sleep, today I couldn't find any aliens inscribed in paintings,
And I've tried to recreate the exact conditions to no avail.
Sometime's passed, I've returned to the present and my memory has faded,
For the last four years my standards have been lowered,
The love of my life has remarried.
Alas, I have a recurring flashback in my mind:
I see a new figure right in front of me.
It was of the time I first met her!
And I am as suddenly as I am scarily returned.

Persona poem, "Grandfather"

The yard could use a mow,
It's not raining.
The day looks less gloomy than before.
My son is seemingly happy,
Sometimes I feel worthless like no one really loves me.
That rabbit is again eating the vegetables,
Must I grab the rifle and shoot it?
Why is my son and grandson so lazy and so cold?
It's as if this country has affected them so.
They expect me to cook for them again.
I will make crispy tacos with sour creme.
My grandson can't eat his father's portion.
There's a soccer game going on,
I best go upstairs and watch it by my lonesome self.

I hope to return to Mexico and see my family again.