May 31, 2011

"Happiness prime."

Nevermore when I die,
Will happiness be primed,
And she is Mother Russia.

May 24, 2011

"Love at first sight."

Sometimes is love at first sight mutual,
Though she didn't love me,
There's a painting on the wall by Vincent Van Gough,
And it looks so real.
Do I wonder which way her world goes?
I do.
I hereby wish my love for her expire,
Because she dislikes me,
I assume I'm not her type,
And hiding is no way to live,
Behind misery and in the confines of a cell.

May 23, 2011

A lyrical love piece "Desolate Man."

When you made that call,
I decided I would plead guilty,
Because I didn't want to fight when you had already won.
Now that the judge decided we'd have years of separation,
How can you ever amend a relationship that was nonexistent?
So I'll have to find my way without you.
Do not become like me.
Do not become a lonely,
Desolate man.    

A lyrical love piece "She has a confidant."

When you were bartending,
It is true I was not in love,
At the time my father was telling me the difference
Between it and infatuation,
In the unlikely case you care to remember,
I was quiet and shy because I disagreed.
When you were bartending,
The whisper in my ear directed at him
Was like a flirt at the same time,
While I then knew you had a confidant,
I later reasoned,
She whispered in my ear as well,
As though it was not over between us.
Perhaps he is your brother,
Or so I thought,
Though it's over between us. 
You leaned against the wall
As if to say give it to me,
Though he was watching your side from that angle,
And I knew you had a boyfriend,
From then on my imagination has played tricks,
Sometimes to the point,
That love is hate. 
And 1984 isn't a mere book.

A lyrical love piece "She loves to show."

You love to show me that pretty ladies leave me,
Although you're like a model to us you are not in our dreams,
Though you know not that you are ugly, albeit, mean looking.
Or maybe I become old one day, but you will wind up much uglier than us.
And you make money that way.
You love to show that the princes and pawns gape,
And the confident ask you to date,
But none are your favorite,
Only he... 
Only when I talk with you,
Did I wish you to turn me down,
When I wish things are all my fault...
You love to message me,
Or else you left me,
To be with him. 

A lyrical love piece "Up in my head."

I still see you shooting arrows like an Amazon,
Up in my head,
Oh it's all up in my head,
And can a poet become once again a pianist?
For a man to change his profession,
Something drastic has had to happen in his life,
Like love gone awry.
If a pianist prefers poetry over music,
Than what has gone wrong to society or him?
Something serious, right?
I still see you going to school walking with that man,
Up in my head,
Oh it's all up in my head,