Jan 1, 2011


                We got a helicopter.  It was camouflage, not black.  There must have been at least four up in the air with us and I was on the one with the President of the United States.  I remember hearing his voice and it had a lazy, doesn’t-care attitude typical of a warmongerer.   Up in the air with us were the top military commanders and pentagon officials, all of whom were dressed in their most highly decorated uniforms—not a single peon was among us.  One would think to enter the field of potential danger, everyone ought to be wearing camouflage—no, but simply the best looking attire one could possibly imagine.   Strategically, the biggest error a country can make is to have the most important backbone such as the military and head of state in harm’s way, because what would happen if they are all lost in the field of battle?   My guess is this mission must have been classified or unbeknownst to anyone else for them to be up in the air simultaneously.  And for some reason I was up in the air with them.   
                We are following a river.  Jungle surrounds both sides.  High opera plays in the speakers to everyone and everyone seemed quiet. 
                “Are we there yet?”  Came on the speakers (the opera music was cut whenever someone spoke).   I still couldn’t make out who it was, but my subconscious knew.  
                “Not yet Mr. President, just a little bit further.”  Said the best helicopter pilot in the world, while holding a 5-star General status.  He spoke like a peon.   He grabbed the throttles and pushed them forward and they looked eerily like those from a 747 Boing commercial airliner.  The helicopter leaned forward and the rotary blades were able to force the helicopter faster given the new angle.  One could see on either side helicopters surrounding the central one with me and the president. 
                While George W. Bush offered few catch phrases here and there, there were many twists and turns but then we stopped moving forward and simply hovered.
                I could hear someone say, “We’re here.”  I was guessing we were in some Latin country, but when I looked down all I could see was the largest kept secret known to mankind—the biggest drop of a waterfall.  It was impossibly deep, no one had a name for it.  And why did this river remind me of the Rio Grande?  We were also level with the top of the plateau on the other side (of the border).   Swiftly, either intentionally, or we were out of fuel I don’t remember (the mission was highly classified), we had to make a landing.  
                George W. Bush stepped out first and a woman came screaming to him.  There’s poor children and some ancient ruins in the background.  His commanders stood motionless and didn’t seek to protect him.  But they all looked formally dressed and unintimidating, without a weapon sheathed or drawn.
                The Queen said, “How dare you enter our territory without our permission.  Can’t you see my child is starving?”
                Reluctantly he gave the cue to his commanding officers and they threw nets down on the side of the helicopter.  He produced two or three crates full of food.
                “Mission fulfilled.”